Friday, October 27, 2023



The weekend of October 26-29, 2023 was the Clayton, NC Harvest Festival.

The Johnston County Chorus had a booth there. As a member of the chorus, I was asked if I would be interested in selling some of my one of a kind handmade cards at the Festival. I donated 115 Christmas cards for the event. 100% of the proceeds would go to the Chorus! At $3 each they are a real bargain.

Below is the card rack that I have, on which the cards will be displayed. 
(The photos were taken in our living room.)

These are the last group of cards that I created for the Event. 

Unfortunately, I was unable to volunteer at the Booth because of a previous commitment. So, I hope some that volunteer from the chorus will share some photos with me that I will add to this blog entry later!

I joined the chorus for the Spring 2023 concert and look forward to singing again on December 16, 2023. If you read this blog before that date, I hope to see you there! 

Booth Photos - Courtesy of JCC President, E J Harris

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