Wednesday, August 4, 2021



2021 would be a year of change. In May our home in California sold and we packed up our furnishings and household goods and they went into storage. We were relocating to North Carolina.  My husband was retiring and we were going to move geographically closer to one of our adult children.

On May 5, we began our journey transcontinentally. We planned a two week trip from CA to NC, visiting friends and sites along the way.  The house would not be completed in NC until sometime Fall 2021, so a limited number of tools and supplies would accompany us on the journey, to use during our time in a temporary location.  

When we arrived in NC, the foundation had already been poured and the stairs that would lead to the 2nd floor, where the Nook would be located, were on site. We found an apartment that was 5.2 miles from our future home site and at the time of this post we are enjoying watching the house take form and shape.

Once in our apartment, I set up my mini-Nook where I could continue to be creative even with limited tools and supplies.  

We were thrilled when the steps to the 2nd floor were finally in place and we could ascend them and get a look at what would be the Nook and more.

The Nook will be situated in the large bonus room on the 2nd floor - the largest space that the Nook has been in to date. 

By the end of July, the house was sided and a pre-drywall inspection was scheduled. 

As this blog entry is written on August 4, we look forward to learning soon what the targeted date of completion of the home construction will be, most likely sometime in October 2021. (The three windows in the photo above are the windows in the future Nook. 

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