Monday, January 8, 2024


We celebrate birthdays in the Nook! 

Generally, we go out to a restaurant when there is a birthday or two in a particular month. The ladies contribute to the birthday person's meal and each presents the birthday person  with a handmade card. It is always fun to see the various creations of the ladies.


In January 2024, we had 6 birthdays to celebrate! So in lieu of going out to eat, we planned a "baked potato bar luncheon" for January 4. We had a special guest that day. On January 13, Rusty would celebrate her 100th birthday. Three of our ladies who have January birthdays could not make it to this event. Their cards will be delivered to them. Nina (who had a birthday on 1/2 and Brenda (me) who celebrates her birthday on 1/22 were able to attend. 

Rusty, Brenda and Nina

After crafting for a couple of hours, we had the birthday celebration.




                            In the photo above, Nina, Rusty and Brenda's cards await being opened! 

                                                             The creations are displayed below:

Nina's cards from the ladies.

Rusty's cards from the ladies.


                                                             Brenda's cards from the ladies.

I met Rusty when we lived in CA through a mutual friend. An accomplished artist working with watercolors and oils, Rusty in later years became a handmade card maker. Though legally blind, at 99 years of age, she continues to create cards using her peripheral vision. I frequently provide her with a collection of die cut outs and items created with paper punches that she can use to embellish her cards.

In 2018 we learned that we both planned to move to North Carolina. Rusty, her daughter and son-in-law would relocate in 2019. We followed in 2021 after my husband retired. We only live about 15 miles apart in the Raleigh region! As in CA, Rusty still comes to the Nook on occasion. 


                                     I look forward to celebrating the other ladies throughout the year!

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