Sunday, January 23, 2022




I recently gave an out of town friend, Karen, a gift of a collection of cards.  Karen loved the cards and contacted me to see if she could purchase a collection of cards to give to her friend Mary, who has MS and is not able to get out very much and especially now with the pandemic. I had a very large collection of cards that I was planning to give to the senior ladies at my church as well as to the local assisted living facility. I went through the cards and I put together a collection for Mary. I told Karen that I did not want her to purchase them but to only provide the envelopes.

Last Thursday, Karen delivered the collection of cards to Mary in a black box with a red ribbon on it. She simply dropped the box off at her front door and then messaged her later to tell her it was there. For some reason, Karen’s message was never received. 

Over the weekend Mary noticed that there was a black box with a red ribbon on the porch and she asked her husband why her box of cards was out on the porch. Her husband brought the box inside and it was not opened for a couple of days. 

Karen, having not heard from Mary about the box, called her to inquire what she thought about the box of cards. Mary then opened the box of cards and was overwhelmed with tears. She couldn’t believe how someone she had never met could bless her in such a way. Karen and I were amazed at how the black box was like one Mary had even complete with a red ribbon! It was a blessing to partner with Karen! 

I share this story to encourage you to “BE A BLESSING” to someone and you will “BE BLESSED”! You never know the impact your creativity can have. 


Thursday, January 13, 2022


I have been blessed beyond measure to be able to have the Nook (my craft room) and to share it with others over the past 22+ years. Naturally, I would have great things to say about it. But it is always good to get a second opinion. So to that end, some dear friends that have come to the Nook shared their thoughts. I thought I would share them here along with some photo memories. 

When its location was near my vocation, I found Brenda's Nook an essential resource, specifically in the Summer of 2016. That summer, I created a children's curriculum for Sunday School that connected the key stories and stages with Jesus. The concept included an art component that was used each week to illustrate the central idea and to facilitate the children's "hands-on" engagement. The Nook was my laboratory. With her sundry resources and remarkable skills, Brenda made templates, developed concepts and provided patterns for the 13 lessons. The summer experience was enriched by Brenda's talents, abilities and resources. She loves Jesus and her service to the kingdom fostered fellowship among the helpers.


(PJ, otherwise known as Pastor Jim, was not only my Pastor but before retiring, I was his assistant at our church in California. Jim and Laura are lifelong friends now! He came to the Nook to help create a memory album for the music minister who moved out of State.)

Long before the Kline's moved from California, Brenda was planning the craft room all of you are now enjoying. Believe me when I tell you that it is our loss but your gain.

I received an invitation to the Nook the first time I met Brenda. However, I did not attend right away due to other commitments But in the Spring of 2020 (about the time Covid hit), I became better acquainted with Brenda. (Sorry, Brenda, you asked for a few sentences but are getting more). As you get to know this new neighbor and friend of yours, you will learn that she is GENEROUS!! Her giving nature is expressed in many ways. The Nook is just one of them, Always a patient teacher, she helped me with technology when I assumed the leadership of our senior ladies's group at church. I lost track of how many times Brenda brought cards to these meetings and freely offered them to anyone there. Several times, she made HUGE cards for those who were sick or moving away. Then she made sure people had adequate time to sign them before giving them to the recipients. 

What I treasure the most is the atmosphere of the Kline home, and that gentle peace permeated the Nook. Brenda provided a positive environment for people to craft. Any negativity was quickly squelched. She often said that she wanted the Nook to be a "safe space/" She more than met that goal there. 

When she left California, Brenda gave me many cards that she had made. I am still using them, In fact, my adult daughter when through my "stash" and took several home with her! She also gifted me some storage units. My scrapbooking room has never been so organized!

It is hard to say good-bye to my dear friend and her husband. But we all share the same faith in our Lord. I knew the Klines were being directed into a new adventure and season in their lives. God makes no mistakes. He is always in the details.

God bless all of you, and enjoy the Nook and the wonderful woman who invites you into her home with love and open arms.

Brenda Garbutt (The "other" Brenda)

(I first got to know Brenda G. when she share about her love of scrapbooking at one of our senior ladies' meetings at church in CA. I knew then that we needed to get better acquainted. 

We were soon a team in the ministry leadership, when she was promoted to the Coordinator position. I was the worship (music) leader. We would tell others that they were seeing double or referred to ourselves as "Brenda squared". 
I left a dear friend behind when we relocated but we keep in regular contact and we know we will be together for eternity!)

We had so much fun in the "Nook". Thank you, Brenda, for your kind and generous hospitality. Being able to use your tools allowed James to create a beautiful pasteboard for his history project about Stanford University. Isabella and Alex had fun creating Valentines for their classmates as well.
Melissa A.  

(Melissa is a friend I met at Church. I love it when students come to the Nook to work on projects for their classes and friends.)

I spent some time in the "Nooks" over the past several years, both in New Hampshire and in California. Having been somewhat responsible for Brenda getting into scrapbooking, many years ago. It was a passion we both enjoy. Her transition to card making, paper beads, etc. have been exciting to watch. A trip to California, a couple of years ago, allowed me to learn the ins and outs of several different crafting options. I do my own card making here at home, but I don't have nearly the set up that she has. A trip to the Nook will be a necessity at some point!

Barbara Flickinger

(Barb is my sister and she took me to my very first Scrapbooking Store in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, and as they say, "the rest is history". Previous to that I had learned about Creative Memories through a friend's daughter and I began taking all of my photos out of magnetic albums and had begun to put them in acid free/lignen free albums. After the trip to the store with my sister, I knew there was a lot more tools and techniques out there!)

Brenda not only opened us her home, but created a space for multi-generation to connect and share a comment interest. I had the privilege to visit one of Brenda's craft Nooks with my mom, when Brenda was still in New Hampshire. What a delight to laugh, create and connect with one another. I wish she was close by so I could just drop in and visit again. Enjoy your new Nook in North Carolina, Brenda!

Love, Karen S

(I met Karen through church in New Hampshire. Originally from South Africa, her extended family visited the Nook when they were in the US. Karen and her family are lifelong friends.)

I was new to the area (less than 3 months) when Brenda invited me to the Nook. I was welcomed by all and immediately felt comfortable and had a sense of community. Cardmaking was an added bonus!  Five plus years later, I treasure those friendships and am disappointed when someone misses our (all to infrequent gatherings at Nook Jr. 

Noel N.

(I met Noel at BSF - Bible Study Fellowship. When I gave the ladies in the discussion group hand made cards, I learned that we share the passion of card making. I was deeply honored, when I relocated from CA to NC, that Noel would take over the leadership of the craft group I had created and was touched that she named it Nook Jr.)

Brenda, I remember coming to you with a request and you graciously helped me with it - a Christmas present for my daughters-in-law. The recipe book turned out wonderful. Memories from the past  of the family and recipes with pictures and quotes. It was a wonderful experience for a person like me who was a quasi-crafter! The girls burst out in tears over the memories. Thank you, Brenda for your patience and kindness.

Cheryl B.

(I met Cheryl through church. Her husband was a retired Sheriff and gifted speaker.  She was very active in the area GOP. In addition to the recipe book, Cheryl attended several Nook events. We enjoyed creating together.)

I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent at the Nook! Crafting with some wonderful women, and having fun. I so appreciate Brenda sharing all of her tools and creativity with me.

Lisa W. 

(I met Lisa at church. She and her daughter came to the Nook. Her daughter referred to us as the "Nook and Grannies", inspired by Thomas English muffins!)

When I recently sent Kathy G some photos in a message, she wrote: "Love seeing the pictures. I am not so good about writing about things, but I definitely always enjoyed the Nook gatherings. A sense of fun and shared faith and sometimes food made all the times together very special."

(I met Kathy G. when I worked at the church office. They had moved to the area and she was a quilter and wondered if there were other quilters in the congregation. I connected her with some ladies and a quilt ministry was begun where lap quilts were given to people who were shut-ins or who were terminally ill. A few years later she moved to the Midwest and we presented her with a memory album of many of the Nook memories. (The ladies always thought I took too many pictures but when it came time for a special gift like that, they were thankful that I had!) 

"The Nook - a nice place to meet new friends and get ideas for making cards"

Lorna E. 

(I met Lorna at church in CA and sang with her husband on the Worship Team.)

I am blessed to have been able to meet Brenda and be welcomed into her home. I found a second home, another happy place, a place to create and learn so many things while at the Nook - so many techniques and forms of card making and crafting. It made me more confident about creating my own cards. I truly enjoyed my time with Brenda and the ladies of the Nook. The amazing group of women, shared my love of card making. The time we spent in fellowship and sharing our loves together was so caring and loving. We shared the love of the Lord. Brenda always showed such unselfishness when it came to opening her home, having the women come over each week, providing meals, planning a potluck or going out to a local restaurant along with teaching new things and sharing her wealth of knowledge was something I will always treasure. She encouraged us as we put our creative ideas onto paper. 

I miss crafting at the Nook since I moved further away from Yuba City and then Brenda moved out of State. I miss her and her supporting husband, Mike and I know that the Nook she shares at her new home will be a blessing to all who are gathered there. Thank you, Brenda, for such wonderful times what will stay in my memory. 

Jensie C.

(Jensie and I met in 2016 at a Michael's 45 miles from my home. She had recently moved to that community. We struck up a conversation as we looked at stamps. I invited her to the Nook. When Mike and I remodeled the CA Nook in 2017, Jensie and her husband came over to help. Jensie and I crafted while Mike and Greg put together the IKEA units. 

While crafting, I couldn't find my red tape which I had just been working with. I finally gave up looking for it. We then went out to lunch at Applebees and when I was getting up to leave after the meal at the restaurant, we noticed the red tape was stuck to my sweater! Whenever either of us sees a roll of red tape, we are reminded of that fun memory!)

Special thanks to my family and friends who kindly share their thoughts. Hope these will cause you to want to come and craft in the Nook or inspire you to do something similar in your own home!

WELCOME TO THE NOOK - North Carolina

On October 28, 2021, we closed on the purchase of our home in the Raleigh region of North Carolina. We relocated to NC in May 2021 after 10 additional years in California, where my husband completed his life long career in Electrical  Engineering- Hydro electricity. Originally from Ohio and Michigan, and having lived in the Southeast early in our marriage, we desired to return to that region of the country.


The Nook began during our years in MA and continued during our years in NH, AK and our second stint in California. For over 22 years, I have invited people into my home to scrapbook, for card making, wreath making and much more. It has been a blessing to many, not to mention myself.

After the holidays, I held 3 Open Houses for the Nook in early January 2022. The three events were opportunities to introduce new neighbors, new friends and acquaintances to my craft room and what it has to offer. 

If you live in the Raleigh area, please contact me and come check out the Nook. 

The Nook on Facebook

The Nook on Instagram - Nookcrafter

The Nook on Pinterest

From time to time we have special lunches in the Nook. The soup pictured above has been a favorite! I thought I would post the recipe here! Enjoy!


Ingredient Checklist
• 2 pounds ground beef 
• 2 cups diced onions 
• 2 cans pinto beans 15.1/2 oz 
• 2 cans pink kidney beans 15 1/2 oz 
• 1 can Mexican-style stewed tomatoes 14 1/2 oz 
• 1 can diced tomatoes 14 1/2 oz 
• 1 can tomatoes with chiles 14 1/2 
• 2 cans diced green chiles 4 1/2 oz 
• ½ cup black olives 
• 1 package taco seasoning mix 1 1/4 oz 
• 1 package ranch dressing 1 oz 
• corn chips 
• sour cream 
• grated cheese 
• chopped green onions 
• picked jalapenos 
Brown the ground beef and onions in large skillet: drain the excess fat, then transfer the browned beef and onions to a large slow cooker or a stockpot. Add the remaining ingredients except corn chips. Cook in slow cooker on low for 6 - 8 hours or simmer over low hear for about 1 hr in a pot on the stove. To serve, place a few corn chips in each bowl and ladle soup over them. Top with garnishments if desired.